About Us


(AREA: 19,500 & 36,724 Square Feet)

On 20th May 2020, Mian Muhammad Adrees, Chairman Sitara Chemical Group & Then Osman Nasir, Managing Director, Pakistan Software Export Board, Signed a MOU in Islamabad in Phase-I (Area 19,500 Square Feet) whereby Status for the First Software Technology Park (STP) for Faisalabad was Awarded to Sitara Group & Then in Phase-II (Area 36,724 Square Feet) Second Agreement was Signed On 01st September 2022 with Pakistan Software Export Board.

Faisalabad, the Textile Hub of Pakistan, has a Nascent IT Industry. Absence of Customized Technology Office Space has Impeded Scaling-up of many Local IT Startups in Faisalabad. And there comes the fill-up of Sitara Techno Park by the Largest Chemical Group of the Country. It is a Dream come true of Mian Muhammad Adrees, the Group Chairman. For Sitara Chemical Group, setting-up of Sitara Techno Park is the Start of its Long-Term Engagement & Commitment in the Local IT Sector.

Sitara Techno Park defined as a Property Based Development that brings together Office Spaces, Residential Area and Retail Developments in order to enhance the Operations of Tech Companies. Thereby Facilitating Innovation and Knowledge based Economies.